Vibrant Health was established in 2012...

Our Story

In 2012, Drs. Jennifer Ash, Jennifer Martin, and Marcy Sullivan dreamed about creating a healing arts center that brought together providers to help patients achieve Vibrant Health. They looked for months for the perfect building to house their healing arts center and purchased the current location in October 2012.  It’s hard to believe it’s been over ten years!

Vibrant Health is a medical facility in Olympia, Washington, that offers well-rounded, holistic healthcare to the South Sound area. Over the years, Vibrant Health has had many exceptional practitioners join our healing community. The clinic is true to its name. It has stayed a vibrant, thriving, flourishing healing arts center that Olympia (and surrounding areas) can rely on being here for years to come. The practitioners at Vibrant Health aim to have a center of wellness that offers a variety of healing arts modalities.  

Read more about our practitioners.

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